Avin's Blog

Build an Android HackerNews Client with Jetpack Compose

April 10, 2021
Tags: Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, Android, Retrofit, HackerNews,

We will be building a HackerNews Client that looks like this


You will need Android Studio Canary to work with Jetpack Compose, if don’t have it already follow the setup guide here.

Start a new project. In the Select a Project Template window, select Empty Compose Activity and fill out rest of the prompts.

We are going to use Retrofit to query HackerNews Api and accompanist(Glide) to fetch images from the internet. Add the following dependencies to gradle(app) file:

    // Other dependencies

    // Retrofit
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.7.1'

    // OkHttp

    // JSON Converter
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.7.1'

    // Navigation - Jetpack Compose
    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:1.0.0-alpha09"

    // Accompanist(Glide) to fetch images from the internet
    implementation "dev.chrisbanes.accompanist:accompanist-glide:0.6.2"

Create a Utils file which contains some utilities like fetching favicon and changing time to relative time.

// Utils.kt

object Utils {
    fun convertUnixToRelativeTime(time: String): String{
        val longTime = time.toLong() * 1000
        val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()

        val SECOND_MILLIS = 1000;
        val HOUR_MILLIS = 60 * MINUTE_MILLIS;
        val DAY_MILLIS = 24 * HOUR_MILLIS;

        val timeDifference = currentTime - longTime

        when {
            timeDifference < MINUTE_MILLIS ->
                return "just now"
            timeDifference < 2 * MINUTE_MILLIS ->
                return " a minute ago"
            timeDifference < 50 * MINUTE_MILLIS ->
                return "${timeDifference / MINUTE_MILLIS} minutes ago"
            timeDifference < 90 * MINUTE_MILLIS ->
                return "an hour ago"
            timeDifference < 24 * HOUR_MILLIS ->
                return "${timeDifference / HOUR_MILLIS} hours ago"
            timeDifference < 48 * HOUR_MILLIS ->
                return "yesterday"
            else ->
                return "${timeDifference / DAY_MILLIS} days ago"

    fun getHostUrl(stringUrl: String): String {
        val url = URL(stringUrl)
        return url.host

    fun getFaviconUrl(stringUrl: String): String {
        val uri = Uri.parse("https://www.google.com/s2/favicons")
            .appendQueryParameter("domain", getHostUrl(stringUrl))

        return uri.toString()

Fetching data from HackerNews Api

Everything we get back from the api is an item, so let’s first create a data class to hold the results we will get back from our queries. Create a new class Item.kt:

// Item.kt

data class Item(
    val id: String,
    val deleted: String?,
    val type: String?,
    val by: String?,
    val time: String?,
    val text: String?,
    val dead: String?,
    val parent: String?,
    val poll: String?,
    val kids: List<String>?,
    val url: String?,
    val score: String?,
    val title: String?,
    val parts: List<String>?,
    val descendants: String?

Now that we have the Item class let’s create Retrofit interfaces to fetch topStories and items. Create a new Kotlin file and name it HackerNewsApiService.kt and add the following to it:

 * Class that defines all the interfaces for
 * the api calls we need. (Used for retrofit calls).
private const val BASE_URL = "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/"

private val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

interface HackerNewsApiService {
    suspend fun getTopStoriesItemIds(): List<String>

    suspend fun getItemFromId(@Path("id") id: String): Item

object HackerNewsApi {
    val retrofitService: HackerNewsApiService by lazy {

Finally we create our ViewModel which will fetch and hold all of our data. In the ViewModel we first fetch ids of all the topStories and then we fetch a few stories at a time from the ids.

The ViewModel also contains onStoryClicked and checkEndOfList functions which will be used when a story is clicked and to fetch more stories when we reach the end of fetched top stories.

Create a new Kotlin class named TopStoriesViewModel:

class TopStoriesViewModel : ViewModel() {

    private val api: HackerNewsApiService = HackerNewsApi.retrofitService
    private var topStoriesIds: List<String> by mutableStateOf(listOf())
    var topStories: List<Item> by mutableStateOf(listOf())
        private set

    private var start: Int = 0
    private var end: Int = 20

    lateinit var clickedStory: Item

    var storyComments: List<Item> by mutableStateOf(listOf())
    var storyCommentsDepth: List<Int> = mutableListOf()

    init {

     * A function that fetches ids of all the
     * top stories and fetches the first batch of
     * story items.
    private fun fetchTopStories() {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            try {
                topStoriesIds = api.getTopStoriesItemIds()
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Log.e("ViewModel:Fetch Top Stories Ids", e.toString())

     * Fetches Top Stories of the ids ranging
     * from integer start to integer end.
    private fun fetchTopStoriesItems() {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            try {
                for (id in topStoriesIds.subList(start, end)) {
                    val item = api.getItemFromId(id)
                    topStories = topStories + listOf(item)
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Log.e("ViewModel:Fetch Stories", e.toString())

     * Fetch more stories when end of the list is reached.
     * Updates start and end variables.
    private fun addStories() {
        start = end
        if (start >= topStoriesIds.size) {
        end += 20

     * Function that checks if the given index is the
     * last element of the stories we have fetched. If
     * the last index is reached new stories are fetched
     * and added to the list.
    fun checkEndOfList(index: Int) {
        if (index == topStories.size - 1) {

    fun onStoryClicked(item: Item) {
        clickedStory = item

    fun fetchStoryComments() {
        storyComments = listOf()
        storyCommentsDepth = listOf()

        clickedStory.kids?.let {
            viewModelScope.launch {
                for (id in it) {
                    fetchCommentItem(id, 0)

    * A recursive function that fetches all the comments
    * in the order(Depth First) you would see on hacker news.
    private suspend fun fetchCommentItem(id: String, depth: Int) {
        try {
            val item = api.getItemFromId(id)
            storyComments = storyComments + listOf(item)
            storyCommentsDepth = storyCommentsDepth + listOf(depth)

            item.kids?.let {
                for (kId in item.kids) {
                    fetchCommentItem(kId, depth + 1)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.e("ViewModel:Fetch Comments", e.toString())

We now have everything setup to query the api and hold the results. We can now start building our UI.

Building our UI with Jetpack Compose

Top Stories

I created all of the following composables in a new file TopStories.kt because all of them will be used to display the list of top stories. You could create these after the MainActivity or you could create a new file for every single one of them. Follow a structure that makes sense to you.

Top Stories List Item

Let’s start with the list item for the top stories. Here we create a composable which takes strings and modifier as inputs. We want to keep our composables as simple as possible so that its simple to preview them.

We want to create the following:


Looking at the image above we can see that there are 3 parts to it: left - which is points/score, middle - title and metadata and right - comment icon and number of comments.

So we will build these three parts and put them in a row using Row composable and we will wrap it with a Card composable.


fun StoryScore(score: String){
        text = score,
        style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5,
        color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
        modifier = Modifier

fun PreviewStoryScore(){
    StoryScore(score = "100")


fun StoryTitleAndMetadata(title: String, author: String, relativeTime: String, modifier: Modifier){
    Column(modifier = modifier) {
        // Title of the story
        Text(text = title, style = MaterialTheme.typography.subtitle1)

        // Author and Time metadata
        CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {
                text = "by $author | $relativeTime",
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2

fun PreviewStoryTitleAndMetadata(){
        title = "Test Title",
        author = "Avin",
        relativeTime = "10 hours ago",
        modifier = Modifier


fun StoryCommentIconAndCount(count: String){
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
        modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)
    ) {
            painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_comment_24),
            contentDescription = "Comment Icon",
            tint = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface
        Text(text = count, modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.End))

fun PreviewStoryCommentIconAndCount(){
    StoryCommentIconAndCount(count = "20")

Now we combine all the three parts. We add weight to middle section because we want it to be the longest(as much as it can stretch). If you notice we are also passing modifier to this composable because we want to be able to add padding and onClick functionality from the calling function.

fun StoryListItem(
    score: String,
    title: String,
    author: String,
    relativeTime: String,
    commentsCount: String?,
    modifier: Modifier
    Card(modifier = modifier){
        Row(verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
            // Score / Points

            //  Title + metadata
                title = title,
                author = author,
                relativeTime = relativeTime,
                modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)

            // Comment icon + comment count
            var count = "0"
            commentsCount?.let {
                count = it
            StoryCommentIconAndCount(count = count)

fun PreviewStoryListItem(){
        score = "10",
        title = "Test Title",
        author = "Avin",
        relativeTime = "10 hours ago",
        commentsCount = "20",
        modifier = Modifier

Finally we create another composable with the same name StoryListItems which takes 3 arguments:

  • an Item which contains all the details of the TopStory
  • a function onItemClicked which will be called when the story is clicked
  • a navController which will allow us to navigate to the details screen when a story is clicked(we will setup navigation later after we are done with all our composables).

The purpose this composable is to add onClick functionality and do any computations required before calling StoryListItems.

Creating a composable which takes in simple inputs and just displays them without any processing makes them easy to preview and debug. Then we call them from another composable which might do some operations on the data that will then be passed on to the simple composable.

fun StoryListItem(
    item: Item,
    onItemClicked: (item: Item) -> Unit,
    navController: NavController
) {
        score = item.score!!,
        title = item.title!!,
        author = item.by!!,
        relativeTime = Utils.convertUnixToRelativeTime(item.time!!),
        commentsCount = item.descendants,
        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable {

Top Stories List

Now that we have our list item composable ready let’s create a list of top stories.

Since we want a vertical list, we will use the LazyColumn composable, for horizontal list we would have used LazyRow.

To display a list of stories we just need the following:

LazyColumn() {
        // List of items
        itemsIndexed(storyItems) { index, item ->
            StoryListItem(item = item, onItemClicked, navController)
            // Load more items

We will create a new composable StoryList to hold our list and add a header as well. We pass the following arguments:

  • storyItems: list of story items
  • checkEndOfList: a function to check the end of list and load more items if we reach the end
  • onItemClicked: will be called when a story is clicked, saves the story being clicked so that we know what to display on the next screen.
  • navController: NavController which will used to navigate us to the details screen when a story is clicked.

Both onItemClicked and navController are passed on to every single StoryListItem.

fun StoryList(
    storyItems: List<Item>,
    checkEndOfList: (index: Int) -> Unit,
    onItemClicked: (item: Item) -> Unit,
    navController: NavController
) {
    // Remember our own LazyListState, can be
    // used to move to any position in the column.
    val listState = rememberLazyListState()

    LazyColumn(state = listState) {
        // Header
        stickyHeader {

        // List of items
        itemsIndexed(storyItems) { index, item ->
            StoryListItem(item = item, onItemClicked, navController)
            // Load more items

private fun StoryListHeader() {
    ) {
            text = "Top Stories",
            style = MaterialTheme.typography.h3,
            textAlign = TextAlign.Center

Finally we create a top level composable TopStoriesScreen which will be called whenever we want to display Top Stories.

fun TopStoriesScreen(navController: NavController,
                     topStoriesViewModel: TopStoriesViewModel
) {
    Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
            storyItems = topStoriesViewModel.topStories,

Details screen - Story header, link, favicon and comments.

I created all of the following composables in a new file StoryDetails.kt because all of them will be used to display details of the story we clicked on. You could create these after the MainActivity or you could create a new file for every single one of them. Follow a structure that makes sense to you.

We are building a screen that will finally look like this:


Let’s create a header that will display the following:

  • Title of the story
  • Text(if there is any)
  • Link and favicon of the link
  • Score/Points along with number of comments

The layout is pretty straight forward, we either have text or rows inside a column. To keep every thing clean and manageable we are going to create FaviconAndUrl composable and StoryMetadata composable, instead of dumping all of it in the StoryDetailsHeader.

fun StoryDetailsHeader(
    title: String,
    text: String?,
    url: String?,
    score: String,
    descendants: String,
    relativeTime: String,
    author: String
    Column {
        // Title of the post
            text = title,
            style = MaterialTheme.typography.h4

        text?.let {
            val text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(it, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY).toString()
                text = text,
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1

        // Display favicon with base url and a clickable icon
        // that takes you to the original link.
        url?.let {
                url = it,
                modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 16.dp)


Then we create FaviconAndUrl which is a simple row which contains a Favicon, url and a button to visit the url.

fun FaviconAndUrl(url: String, modifier: Modifier){
    val baseUrl = Utils.getHostUrl(url)
    val urlIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url))
    val context = LocalContext.current

    Row(modifier = modifier) {
        FaviconImage(url = url, modifier = Modifier.size(24.dp))
        Text(text = baseUrl, modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp, end = 8.dp))
            painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_open_in_new_24),
            contentDescription = "Button that opens the story url",
            tint = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface,
            modifier = Modifier.clickable {
                startActivity(context, urlIntent, Bundle.EMPTY)


We used FaviconImage composable above which fetches and displays favicon image. Since fetching was not as straight forward I create a composable for it. This allows me to fetch and display a favicon with a single line of code FaviconImage(url = url, modifier = Modifier.size(24.dp)) like we did above.

fun FaviconImage(url: String, modifier: Modifier){
    // Fetch base url to further use it to fetch favicon
    val faviconUrl = Utils.getFaviconUrl(url)

        data = faviconUrl,
        contentDescription = "My content description",
        loading = {
            Box(Modifier.matchParentSize()) {
        error = { error ->
            Log.e("Image Fetch Error!", error.toString())
                painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_default_favicon_24),
                contentDescription = "Favicon of the url ${Utils.getHostUrl(url)}"
        modifier = modifier

The last component in the header is the story meta data, which is again just a row of text with some formatting.

fun StoryMetadata(
    score: String,
    commentsCount: String,
    relativeTime: String,
    author: String
    Column() {
        Row() {
            Text(text = score, color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6)
            CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {
                Text(text = "p")
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(16.dp))
            Icon(painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_comment_24),
                contentDescription = "Comment Icon")
            Text(text = commentsCount)

        CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {
                text = "by $author | $relativeTime",
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2

With this our header is ready to use.

Comments List Item


We are fetching comments in depth-first order and while we are doing that we also record their depths. Then we simply display the comments in the order we fetched them and change their left padding according to their depth.

fun CommentListItem(author: String, relativeTime: String, body: String, depth: Int) {
    Card(modifier = Modifier.padding(start = (depth * 8).dp, top = 8.dp), elevation = 2.dp) {
        Column() {
            CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {
                    text = "by $author | $relativeTime",
                    style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2,
                    modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 4.dp)
            ) {
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier
                Text(text = body, modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 4.dp))

fun PreviewCommentListItem() {
        author = "Avin",
        relativeTime = "1 hour ago",
        body = "This is a test comment",
        depth = 1

Followed by another composable with the same name, which does some checks and processing for us before calling CommentListItem:

fun CommentListItem(comment: Item, depth: Int) {
    if (comment.deleted == "true"){
                .padding(top = 8.dp)) {
            CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {
                Text(text = "deleted", Modifier.padding(start = 4.dp))
    val author = comment.by!!
    val relativeTime = Utils.convertUnixToRelativeTime(comment.time!!)
    val text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(comment.text!!, FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY).toString().trim()

    CommentListItem(author = author, relativeTime = relativeTime, body = text, depth = depth)

Comments List + Header

Finally we create a list where the first item is our header followed by the list of comments in a composable called StoryDetailsScreen:

fun StoryDetailsScreen(story: Item, comments: List<Item>, depths: List<Int>){
        color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
        modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)
    ) { 
        // Remember our own LazyListState
        val listState = rememberLazyListState()

        // Provide it to LazyColumn
        LazyColumn(state = listState) {
            item {
                    title = story.title!!,
                    text = story.text,
                    url = story.url,
                    score = story.score!!,
                    descendants = story.descendants!!,
                    relativeTime = Utils.convertUnixToRelativeTime(story.time!!),
                    author = story.by!!
            itemsIndexed(comments) { index, commentItem ->
                CommentListItem(comment = commentItem, depth = depths[index])


Setup Navigation

Finally we create our navigation in the MainActivity:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    private val mainViewModel by viewModels<TopStoriesViewModel>()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            val navController = rememberNavController()
            DepthFirstTheme {
                // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
                NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "topStories") {
                    composable("topStories") {
                        TopStoriesScreen(navController, mainViewModel)
                    composable("storyDetails") {

We have a single Activity and two screens/composables, so we create a navController here which is passed on to composables which need them. Since all the data and states are in the ViewModel which stays current as we interact with the app, we can setup our navigation in the MainActivity and pass on data and functions that the composables need from the ViewModel.

With this we have a working HackerNews Client made with JetPack Compose. That should look something like this:

You can find the source code here on Github.

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